


DSS is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to ensure that students have access to their education -- and to working with instructors to make sure this process is as 透明的, 响应, 支持 尽可能.



The Americans with Disabilities Act defines disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. This includes persons who have a record of such impairment and those who do not have a disability but are regarded as having a disability. The degree of impairment must substantially limit a major life activity (e.g.比如走路、看、听、呼吸、学习、阅读、集中注意力、思考和交流.)一些例子包括特殊学习障碍, 视觉障碍, 心理状况.


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 它明确指出, “在其他方面合格的残疾人不得仅仅因为其残疾而残疾, 被排除在参与之外, 被剥夺…的利益, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何项目或活动中受到歧视.” The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 expanded the mandates set forth in section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, 运输, 公共设施, 通信, 以及政府活动. 《OPE电子竞技官网》于2008年修订,扩大了残疾的定义. Section 508 is an amendment to the United States Workforce Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandating that all electronic and information technology developed, 采购, 维护, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities.


合理的便利是降低或消除因残疾或致残性健康状况造成的障碍的支持. 住宿是提供的一种方式 平等机会 在一项或多项主要生活活动中经历重大限制的个体. 例如, 在阅读和写作方面经历处理延迟的学生可能需要更多的时间来完成时间有限的作业, 比如课堂考试.
Accommodations are a means to provide access, but do not guarantee success. 这取决于

How does OPE电子竞技官网 determine eligibility for disability related accommodations and services?

学生必须向DSS办公室自我确认,以启动确定资格的过程. OPE电子竞技官网 uses an individualized interactive process to determine eligibility and accommodations which includes review of disability documentation, 功能的局限性, impact in an academic setting and student’s self-report regarding disability and needs.



Information related to a student’s disability is not shared with instructors. A Notice of Academic Accommodations is emailed to your faculty each quarter. 你也会收到一份副本. This notice focuses on accommodations and does not share disability-specific information. 除了住宿之外,学生们可以决定分享哪些信息,或者不愿意分享哪些信息. 学生不应该被要求与他们的老师分享残疾的具体信息.




学生可以随时要求更改住宿. 要求额外住宿, students can reach out to their DSS顾问 to discuss whether or not an accommodation can be added and if additional documentation is needed.

Who is responsible for paying for documentation to verify my disability?

学生是负责任的. 请参阅 文档的指导方针. 如果您对从哪里获得必要的文件有疑问, 请联系DSS辅导员.

如果我在其他学院或大学获得了住宿, 我在OPE电子竞技官网会自动得到同样的住宿吗?

A student may not receive the same accommodations they had at a previous institution. Documentation is reviewed and decisions are made independently from other institutions because colleges and universities have different processes and accommodations they provide. 学生在申请DSS时提供以前住宿的文件是很有帮助的. 这使得DSS可以根据OPE电子竞技官网的政策确定可能相似的住宿条件.

What accommodations are required if a student discloses a disability after the fact (e.g.在考试或作业不及格后?)

使用学术设施, students registered with DSS are responsible for having a conversation with their instructors regarding their use of accommodations for each class. 住宿不能追溯适用.




Family members or members of the student's support system can absolutely be a part of the accommodations process if a student would like. Before someone else can be a part of the accommodations process with students, 学生需要填写一份同意表格以获得许可. Students can contact their DSS顾问 directly to request a consent form.

Should I self-identify that I have a disability during the admission process?

在录取过程中披露残疾是自愿的. OPE电子竞技官网 will not discriminate against you due to your status as an individual with a disability.  


学生可以选择是否愿意向他们的ope客户端/成功导航员披露他们的残疾, 以及校园里的其他办公室. It is not required for students to share disability-specific information.


No. Students are not required nor should they be asked to disclose the nature of their disability. 另外, 不应要求学生向教职员工提供其残疾证明文件的副本.  

What if I disagree with an accommodation decision that has been made by a DSS顾问?

如果你不同意DSS的住宿决定, please contact the Dean of 学生权益和问责制 (Julie Langholdt, jlangholdt@eagle1027.com, 531-622-2202)讨论您的关切.  

I'm having issues with an exam accommodation being proctored by an instructor. 我该怎么办??

If a student is having issues receiving accommodations from their instructor, 他们应该联系他们的DSS顾问. DSS辅导员可以与学生和教师一起工作,以确保提供住宿.

我的课程结构包括小测验和考试. 对于哪些考试,我需要收到考试住宿?

Instructors should provide exam accommodations for all quizzes and exams.

I need a sign language interpreter or speech-to-text service for my courses. 我该怎么办??

一旦学生在DSS注册, they will work with you for speech-to-text or interpreting services for your courses.   



Interaction with students with disabilities is the same as with any other student. 听听他们要说什么. Ask questions only about how and if the disability will impact them in the class as well as about the accommodations they may be requesting. 如果学生已经在DSS注册, 教师将收到学术住宿的电子邮件通知. Ask students who are self-identifying with a disability about their DSS registration status. 注册的学生将被分配给一名DSS辅导员,他可以促进住宿过程. Accommodations should not be granted unless the student is working with DSS.


课程讲师将通过DSS电子邮件通知,该电子邮件将发送给学生和教师. 这封信将概述分配的住宿. 当出现住宿方面的问题时,鼓励教师与DSS辅导员联系.


是的. 可访问性 is essential and should be at the forefront of course planning. 如果您对班级的住宿有疑问,请立即联系DSS辅导员. 教育部, 民权办公室(OCR), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandate students' rights to accommodations and their right to file complaints (OCR) and/or lawsuits (ADA) against the College if these accommodations are not provided.

教师是否应该为任何透露自己有残疾的学生提供便利, 但尚未向社会保障署登记?  

No. 学院不应直接为未在DSS注册的学生提供住宿. 这既保护了学院,也保护了请求服务的学生. The professionally trained DSS顾问s are responsible for evaluating presenting documentation in order to determine if a student qualifies for services, 考虑到他们的残疾,哪些服务是合适的. 在DSS辅导员分配住宿后, 他们协助确保及时提供服务.


The law provides several exemption areas when accommodations are not appropriate, if the
●摆姿势 直接威胁 为他人的健康和安全
●创建一个 过度的负担 关于学院
●创建一个 根本性的改变 大学的政策,实践,程序,或
●要求提供 个人服务和设备 (如私人助理、
specialized tutors, or specialized personal equipment; a student may use these as

如果我认为住宿是我课程的根本改变,我需要遵循什么程序吗, 或者我有住宿方面的问题?

是的. 请联系DSS辅导员讨论情况. 请 note that an accommodation is not automatically omitted if you believe that it fundamentally alters your course; we must go through an interactive process first.

How do we determine if an accommodation presents a 根本性的改变 of a course?

● The modification of a requirement needed for a specific licensure or certification
These skills, objectives, standards, goals, outcomes, requirements would generally be
被列入课程大纲以被认为是基础的. 根本性的改变

住宿信注明志愿记录员. 我需要做什么?

It is the College’s responsibility to make sure the student has access to classroom notes when this is indicated on the accommodation letter. 在班上找出一个可以做志愿记笔记的学生. The student with a disability will provide directions and a note taking pad. 如果你不能找到一个自愿记笔记的人, 请立即联络DSS寻求协助.

Am I required to lower the standards of an assignment because a student has a disability?

No, 残疾学生必须达到与其他学生相同的基本要求和课程标准. 然而, it may be reasonable to exercise flexibility in a component of a course that is not essential. 例如, it may be appropriate to complete an assignment in writing versus an oral presentation if the purpose of the assignment is not to assess oral expression.


The purpose of the accommodations is to ensure access and does not guarantee success. Treat the student as you would any other student who is not performing well. Encourage the student to visit you during office hours to discuss reasons for failing performance and what resources the student may use to improve. Encourage the student to consult with his/her DSS顾问 regarding needs and strategies. 你也可以直接咨询DSS辅导员.

我该怎么办? about a student with a disability who is misbehaving, threatening, or rude

所有学生都应遵守学院的行为准则. 不良行为不能以残疾为借口. 像对待其他学生一样对待他们的行为. It is helpful to clearly state behavioral expectations for all students; discuss them in your classroom, 在你们的教学大纲上, 并根据需要为个别学生提供帮助. 如果学生继续表现出不适当或破坏性的行为, 与学生私下讨论你的观察和期望. 如果您需要帮助,可以咨询DSS办公室和学生行为办公室.

What accommodations are required if a student discloses a disability after the fact (e.g.在考试或作业不及格后?)  

使用学术设施, students registered with DSS are responsible for having a conversation regarding the use of those accommodations in each class. 住宿不能追溯适用.

I want to refer a student to DSS because I think they might have a disability. 我该如何向学生表达我的担忧?

如果你认为一个学生可能有残疾,或者如果一个学生表示担心他们可能有残疾, 请鼓励他们联系DSS以获取更多信息.
如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系a DSS顾问. 感谢您在此过程中的协助.  

Can I ask a student who is having difficulties whether he/she has a disability?

Asking a student directly about the possibility of a disability is inadvisable. Disability rights laws prohibit unnecessary inquiries about the existence of a disability. Treat the student who is having difficulty as you would any other student. 这可能包括鼓励学生利用支持和资源,如校园辅导中心, 咨询和建议, 利用你的办公时间. If the student shares with you that he or she has a past history of a disability, 或者怀疑他或她有残疾, 然后,将该学生直接转介到发展支助处是适当的.

What should I do when a student directly hands me their documentation of a disability?

推荐学生到DSS或分享超链接到 申请住宿网页. The DSS顾问 will review the documentation to determine eligibility for accommodations. 服务一经批准, the DSS顾问 and student will discuss appropriate accommodations for each class and assist the student in communicating with the instructor about their accommodations.


No. Students are not required nor should they be asked to disclose the nature of their disability. 另外, 不应要求学生向教职员工提供其残疾证明文件的副本.
我的课程结构包括小测验和考试. 对于哪些考试,学生需要获得考试住宿?
Instructors should provide exam accommodations for all quizzes and exams.

What should a faculty member do if they believe a student is having a seizure during class?

The faculty member should call 911, keep calm, provide reassurance, remove bystanders. 请保护学生安全,移走物品,不要拘束. 待在病人身边,直到癫痫恢复.


DSS works with students who are deaf or hard of hearing to ensure they receive all reasonable academic-related accommodations necessary. 住宿可能包括课堂笔记, 手语翻译, 语音服务, 或者放大系统.

What should I take into consideration when teaching a deaf or hard of hearing student?

每个学生都是不同的,可能需要安排各种各样的住宿, 包括手语翻译和笔记服务. 有关更多信息,请参见 手语翻译服务.

Is there anything special I need to do for deaf or hard of hearing students if I am showing a video or online video clip in class?

Instructors who have students who are deaf or hard of hearing in their classes need to consider the accessibility of the media they plan to use. These instructors will be notified in advance before the quarter begins by DSS. 有意使用DVD的教官, VHS, or web-based videos and/or podcasts in their course should be aware that they are responsible for offering captioned versions of course materials. Videos are accessible when they are captioned and podcasts are accessible when a written transcript accompanies the audio file.

如果视频没有字幕,或者播客没有文字记录, instructors will need to arrange for an accessible version to be produced. 在所有学生都可以使用不可访问的媒体之前,不得在课堂上播放不可访问的媒体.

克里斯vooorhees, 教育无障碍专员, 是否可以协助教师定位字幕视频, 为视频添加字幕, 在教室和在线课程中播放带有字幕的视频. 可以通过以下方式联系克里斯 cvvoorhees@eagle1027.com.


OPE电子竞技官网’s policy requires that all web content conform to accessibility standards described in the Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines, 版本2.0,由万维网联盟(W3C)规定的AA级。. Individual units are charged with developing and implementing a web accessibility strategy per the Implementation section of this policy


许多聋哑和重听学生将在课堂上使用手语翻译或字幕服务. 取决于课程内容, 您可能会被要求提前提供材料,以便服务提供者为即将到来的课程做准备. 例如, in a class where there is a large amount of new terminology and vocabulary and readings, 比如文学课, 提前向口译员或语音转文本提供者提供尽可能多的这些信息将是有益的. 另外, 服务提供者可能需要获得课程材料,如教学大纲和/或补充材料的副本.

当有手语翻译在场时, 我应该和翻译说话还是直接和聋哑学生说话?

当需要与学生交谈时, address the student rather than the interpreter and keep in mind that the student will need to be able to see the interpreter and the interpreter will need to be able to hear what you are saying.

Should I make arrangements with DSS if I have to meet with a deaf student during office hours?

询问学生是否需要沟通协助. 而一些学生在课堂上使用服务, 他们可能需要也可能不需要一对一的相同服务. Instructors who need to request 手语翻译 or 语音服务 are encouraged to have the student contact DSS promptly to ensure timely arrangement of services. 虽然我们努力回应所有的服务要求, 我们可能无法满足少于48小时提前提出的要求. 该请求可以发送给学生的DSS顾问.  

